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B.R. Stateham

B.R. Stateham

Author B.R. Stateham


My name is B.R. Stateham. I am a 72 year-old male with a mind still filled with the wonders and excitement one might find in a fourteen year old boy. I write genre fiction. You name the genre, I’ve probably got a short-story, a novella, or a novel which would fit the description. I’ve been writing for over 50 years. Which, frankly, means very little in reality. Most writers can say the same thing. For a writer, story-telling is something built into one’s psyche. From birth on, a writer was probably telling some kind of story to himself, or anyone close to him. Whether they listened or not.

For the last 37 years I’ve been married to the same patient woman. A school teacher, now retired, who has this thing of sitting down with me and discussing, or verbally outlining, concepts for stories knocking around in my head. We have three grown adults for children and six (if I got the current number correct) grandchildren. None of the children or grandchildren think that me being a writer is of any particular significance. As it should be.

I like writing dark-noir. Or hardboiled detective/police-procedural novels which border the demarcation line between dark-noir and hard-boiled fiction. In fact, I like mixing up sub-genres in my fiction. Don’t be surprised if you read something of mine traditionally found in the dark-noir niche with tinges of Science-Fiction or the Supernatural thrown in to spice up the tale.

That’s it. There’s nothing else to say. I’m just as writer. But I hope you’ll find something of mine to read and find it enjoyable.

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