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Cathy L. Patrenos

Cathy L. Patrenos

Author biography

Cathy L. Patrenos grew up in Phoenix, Arizona where she pursued a career in critical care nursing. Desiring a career change after years of nursing, Cathy completed law school and became a medical malpractice defense attorney in Los Angeles, specializing in the representation of physicians and other health care providers. Although she changed her profession from nursing, Cathy remained a captain in the Air Force Reserves Nurse Corps. She is a war veteran having served as a tactical flight nurse in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm. Upon returning to Los Angeles after the war, she continued her work as a lawyer, and over the years discovered a passion for writing, other than legal briefs, that is. Being an army brat, she grew up with a fascination for Japan because she was born there after her father fought in the Korean War. She was inspired to write the award-winning historical fiction novel, The Comfort Bearer, after conducting extensive research about the Japanese army’s comfort women system during WWII. Her story puts a human face to the girls and women who suffered unthinkable atrocities at the hands of the Japanese. Cathy's newly released adventure/crime novel, The Silk Road Score, takes place in the Middle East, during the 1970s and was inspired by her own journey on what was then called "the hippie trail." She is also working on a memoir detailing the year she spent traveling through the African continent during the 70s. She now resides with her husband in Sutter Creek, a California Gold Rush town in the foothills of the beautiful Sierra Mountains where she writes full time.


The Silk Road Score

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Donna Sundblad