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Gina Maria Manchego

Gina Maria Manchego

Author biography

Gina Maria Manchego is a mixed-medium author and artist from the beautiful state of Colorado, USA. Gina is deeply influenced by the vastness of the prairie where she’s made her home, every wildflower and colossal sky-scape echo in the work she creates. She is fortunate to be a Colorado native, tracing her lineage back four generations. Her veins pulse with the lifeblood of the ever-changing terra where her family settled hundreds of years ago. The land is wild and treacherous, and the elements will bring you to your knees, Gina Maria harnesses that power when she’s creating. Like the dichotomy of the prairie, Gina Maria’s art is both beguiling and barbarous. She is the prairie, vulnerable yet steadfast with an unwavering resolve.

When Gina Maria is not busy with her art, she can be found spending time with her lovely teenage son. Together, they enjoy discussing filmography, history and going for walks. She takes pride in raising her son, as a single mother. She is no stranger to challenges and hard work.

Gina Maria has dedicated much of her life to advocacy and social work. She has been fortunate to lend her expertise in writing, and multi-medium creativity to help others through art therapy. She started her Human Services career at the tender age of fifteen and delighted in being the public relations manager at an Alzheimer’s care center. From that point she went to the University of Northern Colorado, where Human Services was her course of study. With a career spanning thirty years in social services, Gina Maria has worked with every population of individuals needing advocacy and support.

Gina Maria’s lifetime goal is to spend her days creating meaningful stories and artistry that can move one’s soul. She enjoys the intricacies of detail. Nothing brings her more pleasure than being able to spin a web of malleable imagery for people who consume her art. She knows her work is very much a living, breathing thing. She also revels in the evocation of emotion through storytelling brimming with courageousness. Gina Maria believes bravery in the way of vulnerable truth with word is a great equalizer of humanity; a well-penned piece of writing transcends gender, race, economics, and age.

Gina Maria’s literary endeavors were sparked by an early interest in writing. She was a toddler when she crayoned her first prose. Gina Maria was fortunate enough to have her first written work published at the tender age of eighteen years old. She wrote for local newspapers and magazines in her free time, even when life got in the way. She never once gave up her dream of being a published author; she finally found her writing match when she met fellow author Richard M. Ankers. Together they string together beautiful words on the page. Gina Maria is honored to be published in many tremendous magazines and journals, such as: Gobblers and Masticadores -- where she writes monthly, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Dark Winter Literary Magazine, Paragraph Planet, Impspired Literary Magazine, Harpy Hybrid Magazine, Suburban Witchcraft Literary Magazine, Ephemeral Elegies Literary Magazine, Poetry As Promised Literary Magazine and Spillwords Literary Press. She has been a proudly headlining author in the latter.

Gina Maria Manchego can be found at her website: She can also be found writing with her co-author at:

Gina thanks you for reading.


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