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J Keith Thompson

J Keith Thompson

Author biography

Jeffersontown, Kentucky native J. Keith Thompson, is a writer and humorist, currently residing in Southern Indiana with his wife Katie. He comes from a technical background where he spent years writing installation manuals, rollout templates and software/firmware upgrades for the restaurant industry. He attended Jefferson Community College in Louisville, Kentucky and Indiana University Southeast in New Albany, Indiana, and is recently retired. He has published the short story ‘Animal Crackers with Zebedee’ along with other spiritual observations on the Catholic 365 forum. He also writes entertaining reflections on scripture for his parish community. Married for 44 years, he has a son Niall, daughter Emily and three rambunctious grandsons. ‘TWO-BIT WIZəRD’ is his first novel.


Two-Bit Wizərd

Terry Newman

Valeriya Goffe

Valeriya Goffe