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Z.A. Angell

Author biography

Reading books with intricate plots, memorable characters, and lively dialogue inspired Z.A. Angell to imagine a myriad of her own literary characters and their adventures. These imaginary friends fell into deep hibernation when she went to college and embarked on a career in the corporate world. When the daily drudgery of a drab cubicle threatened to erode her soul, these imaginary friends reappeared to provide a virtual escape. Slowly but surely, they started to demand attention. Z.A. Angell had no choice but to narrate their adventures. There was no return.

For the Love of Adventure Chronicles are set in  the early 18th century and feature unstoppable heroines and swaggering heroes who seek fortune, cause chaos and fall in love at the dawn of the modern era.  The backdrop spoke to her: the questioning of old social norms and the formation of new ideas, the beginning of international trade and politics, and the foundation of a modern mentality.

The temptation to draw parallels through the centuries inspired Z.A. Angell  to write two short stories. Clare and Axel explores the possibility of the historical novel’s heroes living in present-day California, while Clare in Marseille is an homage to the time-travel genre, where the modern Clare finds herself in the universe of For the Love of Adventure Chronicles. .

The books contain no graphic content and no cliffhangers. If you read or listen to any of Z.A. Angell’s works, please share your opinion by rating it or writing a review.

Z.A. Angell would love to hear from you while she is working on her next novel. You can contact her on Facebook or Goodreads.

Z.A. Angell's Goodreads page

Amazon Author Page


Clare In Marseille

Clare And Axel

Swift Reprisal In Marseille

For The Love Of Adventure Chronicles

The Legend Of Two Rogues

The Legacy Of The Marshall Cousins

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