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From July to December (One Poem A Day Series Book 2)

From July to December (One Poem A Day Series Book 2)

Book summary

"From July to December" is a poetic journey from summer to midwinter, offering a poem for each day. The collection includes a variety of forms like haiku, sonnets, and limericks, touching on themes such as harvest and Christmas. It blends serious reflections with lighthearted verses, appealing to lovers of traditional poetry.

Excerpt from From July to December (One Poem A Day Series Book 2)

July 1st.

It's deep into peach season, so I wrote this in honour of that delicious fruit.


A peach with skin so soft.

Breathe in the sweet scent

As to my nose it wafts

Made just to tempt.

Bite into the flesh.

That scent did not lie.

The flavour so fresh

That I cannot deny.

Juice runs down my chin.

The peach is so sweet.

It must be a sin

To enjoy such a treat.

July 2nd.

I live not far from the sea, and hear the gulls calling all the time. I am fascinated by all the different calls of the herring gulls. Here's a setanta.

Herring Gulls' Calls.

Seagull on my roof

Is crying like a baby.

Now screaming like a banshee

Wak'ning everyone.

Chatters like a chimpanzee

And then barks just like a dog.

July 3rd.


The height of summer

The sunshine brings happiness

And with it long days.

Time to play at the seaside

And build castles in the air.

July 4th

We recently had family to stay. Here's a poem about families.


Brothers, sisters, cousins too

Some of whom we barely knew

As one by one the family grew.

Family feuds, we all fell out

Little sister, she did pout.

Cousin Johnny started to shout.

Susie said 'I hate you all.

And I hope that you might fall

And get caught out in a squall.'

Brother Robert raised his fist.

'Don't you speak to us like this.'

Narrowed eyes, voice like a hiss.

Sister Jane came rushing in.

'They have started bullying Jim.'

Quarrel stopped. He's our kin.

So we went to sort them out.

When they saw us, 'twas a rout.

They will run away, no doubt.

We fall out, of that it's true.

And we say things that we rue.

But family is strong. We knew.

“All for One and One for All.”

We stand together or we fall.

Petty quarrels, they will pall.

July 5th.

A small bumble bee has been pollinating our raspberry plants all by herself. At least, I didn't see any other insects around them. Here's a Haiku.

Little Bee.

She sips sweet nectar.

Proboscis deep in the flower.

Raspberries will come.

In Search of Pleasure Island

In Search of Pleasure Island

Dark Monday

Dark Monday