A Polar Bear Shifter Romance Novel
Polar Heat by Simone Beaudelaire
Book excerpt
That night, she lay beside him in the bed they now shared, studying the wood grain of the exposed beams in the ceiling, and pondering it. I didn't come to Alaska to find love, but to find safety and a new beginning. Russell let out a rumbling snore, his warm breath moistening the back of her neck. One big hand cupped her breast and his sex, now relaxed from recent loving and sleep, pressed against her bottom. From the bed, she could see the window. The blinds stood open because after all, they only had one neighbor, and her house was on the other side. Only moose and deer might peek in at them. Even bears hesitated to tangle with the strange-smelling near-bear they knew lived inside. Riley snuggled back against Russell. His warmth made her feel amazing. Safe in a way she hadn't known existed. He's so nothing like I imagined. Even with her back to him, she could see the shiny white of his hair, his deeply bronzed skin. The sexy creases around his eyes and mouth. Mature men were sexy in a way words couldn't even describe, and she'd never realized it. Not until I set eyes on Russell that first time. It was like… learning to breathe. I wonder if he's right about fate and complimentary DNA. It would explain why I feel… so right with him. Why everything he suggests is something I already want. I like this, but it's confusing. Or at least, Riley felt confused when she stopped to analyze their relationship rationally. When she just let it be, she felt perfectly at peace.
Even his snores are soothing. She laughed to herself. What a radical change to go from shy, frightened mouse to confident, sexually active woman in just a few short months. I didn't expect to like sex quite so much either. Now, it appeared, Riley was complete addicted not only to Russell's company, but also to those special moments when their bodies merged. He knows what he's doing. All those decades of experience, and he plays my body like a musical instrument. She tingled with the memory. I love this. The sun may not rise for the next month, but being able to wake up in Russell's arms, and spend my first wakeful moments face down in the mattress while he… Even the image of him 'mating' her, as he liked to call it when he took her from behind, heated her face and body. Though already drenched from their just-completed sex, fresh moisture surged between her thighs. Russell rumbled in his sleep, his hand releasing her breast and sliding down her belly to tease her mound. She drew in an unsteady breath. Greedy girl. You just had sex. Do you really need more? her conscience scolded, even as she drew one knee up to allow Russell's sleepy questing. She wanted to purr. Even this light touch stimulated her overwrought nerve endings and drew a quiet whimper from her throat. Then Russell sighed in his sleep and rolled over. His soft snoring resumed. Riley couldn't help laughing at herself. Tomorrow, Riley. Go to sleep. You'll have plenty of opportunities tomorrow.
* * *
A cozy night, in the annoying way all perfect moments have, passed far too quickly. Before she knew it, Russell was flying her over hills and forests back to Lakeville for her Wednesday with the eight local munchkins. Though she felt more than a fleeting pang over being separated from Russell, who had become something dangerously close to her reason for breathing, she felt energized from her decision to move in with him, relaxed and ready to tackle the day. Story books and letter charts awaited her in the classroom, ready to be put to use, and she had on sturdy winter outwear – and underwear – for her turn as playground monitor. But best of all, two hours after the students went home, Russ would be collecting her and taking her back to his place… our place… for the night. A slow smile spread across Riley's lips as the little plane bumped to a stop on the makeshift runway. She'd be having early mornings on Wednesdays and Thursdays, because Russ refused to let her sleep another night with Carrolls. She didn't mind.
“What's got you so smiley, sweet girl?” he asked in that sexy, low-pitched rumble of his as the plane shuddered and the engine stilled.
“Oh, nothing,” she replied, flirtatiously twining her hair around one finger. “I'm just really happy is all.”
It seemed he heard the message she hadn't voiced, because he grasped her hand in his and kissed her fingertips, his face lighting up. It amazes me I can have such an effect on him. I've been practically invisible most of my life, and now I have this sexy older man acting like I'm his sunshine. Russell slid his fingers up her arm and laced them into the back of her hair. Riley knew what that meant and leaned forward at his urging, accepting his kiss. I love you, Russell, she thought as hard as she could. I can't explain or even understand how this happened so quickly, but I can't deny the reality. I love you.
He heard the thought and responded by coiling his tongue around hers. She broke away with a gasp. “Don't be evil. If I have to spend the day all wet and achy, the kids are going to suffer.”
Russell pouted, poking out his lower lip in a silly parody of disappointment. “I'll miss you all day.”
She softened her mock outrage. “I know. I'll miss you too. But, honey, I live with you now. We can make love all night and weekend, every night and weekend until we're sick of it.”
“Riley.” Russell's rumble had lowered to nearly a growl. “Do you honestly think I'll ever get sick of you? Because that won't happen.”
Tears sprang to her eyes and her throat clogged, but she fought down her emotions. Don't start the day off crying. It's too draining.
“Say it,” he urged.
“I love you.”
The chiseled planes of his left cheek lifted into a half-smile and he nodded.
“I love you too, Riley. Now go teach the munchkins. I'll be back at five to take you home.”
She tugged him over for one more kiss and then jumped down from the plane, hurrying through the biting early-morning cold to set up her classroom for the day.
In truth, Riley did struggle to pay attention to her job throughout the day. It took all her willpower to push Russell out of her mind and focus on the eight small people she was supposed to be teaching, but in the end, the kindergartners won. The moment her mind wandered, pandemonium broke out, in the form of a paint fight. Sighing, she cleaned up the messy kids, thankful as always that she'd paid extra for the washable paints, and set the perpetrator in the 'thinking chair' for ten minutes. After that, she'd forced herself to stay fully present with the class.
At last they marched down the hall to the music room and Riley took the opportunity to walk the twenty steps down the street to the Carrolls' house.
Mrs. Carroll, a middle-aged woman with silver wings in her dark hair and high cheekbones that contrasted strikingly with bright blue eyes, ushered her into a familiar family room whose cheerfully clashing décor spoke of a multi-generational family home. Sleek leather sectionals paired with glass end tables made little sense placed alongside a rustic wooden hutch cluttered with far too many tchotchkes. Riley couldn't help smiling at the sight. It reminded her of her father's home, though he collected books, books and more books, not carved wooden animals and teacups in fussy patterns.
“What can I do for you today, Riley?” Mrs. Carroll asked. “Can I get you anything?”
“I can only stay a minute,” Riley replied. “The kids will be done in music before you know it, but I needed to let you know…” Her face heated and she had to take a deep breath before she could continue. “I met someone and… and he asked me to move in with him, so I won't need to sleep here anymore. I really appreciate your hospitality though.”
Mrs. Carroll's face twisted into a concerned expression. “That's pretty fast, Riley.”
“I know.” The warmth in her cheeks turned to a burning sensation. “But sometimes you just know, you know?” Internally she rolled her eyes at her ineloquent comment.
“That doesn't make me feel any better, Riley. Are you sure this is a good idea?” Mrs. Carroll laid a hand on her arm.
Riley nodded. “I know it seems… maybe not so wise, but I just feel like Russ… well he's worth the risk.”
The older woman's eyes widened. “Russ Tadzea?”
At Riley's next nod, she visibly relaxed. “Oh, wow. I've never known Russ to do anything like this. But he's a good, steady, reliable man. You'll be fine with him, Riley. Congratulations.”
Riley grinned. Russ had a powerful impact on everyone.
“He's a werewolf,” a cracked and wavering voice emerged from the corner. Riley turned and as expected, Grandmother Carroll was waving a gnarled and bony finger in her direction. The woman's hair seemed to vibrate in her agitation, the tight, white perm trembling around her brown face like a dandelion seed in the wind.
Riley approached the elderly woman and took her hand. “I promise you, Mrs. Carroll, Russ is no werewolf.”
“He is,” the old woman repeated stubbornly, “and you're a floozy.”
“Well, I'm a happy floozy.” Stung, Riley moved away from the old woman. “I need to get back to class. See you later, Mrs. Carroll.”
“Riley…” The younger woman began, casting a glare at her mother-in-law.
“It's okay. I have to go, though.” Riley said. “And I really do appreciate you letting me stay with you these last couple of months.”
Without another word, Riley moved through the door and hiked down the freezing street back into the school building, glad she didn't leave things there when she was away, but just kept a packed overnight bag. Great. Now I'm going to have to try even harder to concentrate.
* * *
By the time 5pm rolled around, Riley had developed a massive headache. Apart from the normal kindergarten stresses of hair pulling, potty accidents and broken crayons, the unpleasantness of Grandmother Carroll's unfounded accusations bit at her. Werewolves are one thing, but a floozy? I've had sex with one man in my life. She rolled her eyes, telling herself furiously, once again, to let it go. She's an old woman with a sour disposition. She's probably bored, so she picks at people to pass the time. It's not personal. She barely knows you. Even staying there you didn't exchange more than about ten words a day. Sighing, she moved through her classroom, righting an overturned chair here, straightening a poster there. She wondered for the first time about the wisdom of what she was doing. Yes, there was something special about Russell, and she felt tremendously drawn to him, but could she truly trust him? “And why not?” she asked herself aloud. “When has he ever done anything untrustworthy?” There's a lot he still hasn't told you. “Of course. He has to let things out little by little, but that doesn't mean he's hiding them. He's only waiting for the right time. I love Russell.” Love what he does to you in bed, the sly little voice teased. Maybe you really are a floozy. “Stop it, Riley,” she told herself insistently. “I sleep with him because I love him and want to be close to him. It's a normal thing to do.”
“This sounds intense.”
Riley squeaked in surprised as warm arms enfolded her from behind. Then her face flamed, realizing she'd been caught talking to herself.
“Sorry,” she mumbled.
“Hey, no worries,” he replied. “It's a big transition. I'm not surprised you have a few doubts. I'm just thankful you're willing to face them with me.”
She turned and laid one hand on the back of his neck, stroking the silky white hairs there. “Of course.” A little tug had his lips in prime kissing position and she wasted no time claiming them. Here, in his arms, bathed in his scent, everything made sense again.
“Ready to go?” he asked, stepping back and taking her hand.
“Almost. I'm not quite dressed to go outside yet.”
In her hurry to get home, pulling on her outerwear seemed to take forever. As Riley pulled off her flats and replaced them with snow boots, Russell said, “Did something happen?”
“I ran into Grandmother Carroll,” Riley replied. She shoved her shoes in her satchel and reached for her coat.
“Sorry.” Russell winced and helped her pull up the zipper.
“The chemistry and interaction between the characters of Riley and Russell is great. I can’t wait for more from this author”
“Deep, romantic, engaging and delightful”
“This book had it all: colorful characters, romance, drama, and of course shifters. Well written and funny as well. I look forward to reading more from Simone”
Book Details
AUTHOR NAME: Simone Beaudelaire
BOOK TITLE: Polar Heat
GENRE: Romance
SUBGENRE: Paranormal Romance / Shifter Romance
IN THE BLOG: Best Shapeshifter Romance Books, Best Romantic Fantasy Books
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