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The Immortal Rose Wyndham (The Moon Singer Book 4) - B. Roman

The Immortal Rose Wyndham (The Moon Singer Book 4) - B. Roman


The Immortal Rose Wyndham (The Moon Singer Book 4) by B. Roman

Book excerpt

The Wager

While gambling was a way for aristocrats to advertise a healthy surplus of disposable income, and an indication of status, wealth, and class, it was also a family affair. Children honed their math skills by counting cards, reading the dice, and tallying the score. Girls of Grace’s station found gambling exhilarating and quickly picked up the basics.

Grace grew to be a math prodigy whose card-counting skills resulted in her coming out the winner in most of the social games. Unlike her frivolous friends who gifted themselves with new elaborate hats, shoes with high curved-heels, or colorful riding habits, Grace spent her newly won 2,000 gold louis coins on books.

Much to her mother’s chagrin.

“Where will this end? No well-positioned Lord will marry a woman who is seen reading every day. We’ll have to whisk her off to a convent if we cannot marry her off soon.”

“My dear, she is only twenty,” Louis objected.

“Well past the time to be an acceptable marriage choice. Most girls her age are at least betrothed by now.”

“In loveless, pointless unions, mostly.”

“Louis! Is that how you think of our marriage?” Gabrielle’s fragile emotions boiled to the surface. “I was twenty when we wed.”

“Gabrielle, you were the loveliest and most enchanting creature,” Louis soothed her. “I married you because of that, not because your time was running out. You make me very happy. Our daughter has other interests, and she should be permitted to nurture her dreams.”

“Louis, we may not have the luxury of letting Grace chart her own destiny. We are running out of money. My trust is almost exhausted.”

“Not to worry, Dear. I promised to always take care of you and Grace, and I will not let you down.”

What Comes Before (Heirs And Descendants Book 3) - Daniel Kemp

What Comes Before (Heirs And Descendants Book 3) - Daniel Kemp

The Beginning Of Everything (The Dragon In The Library Book 1) - Ian P. Millar, and as I.P. Mizzaz

The Beginning Of Everything (The Dragon In The Library Book 1) - Ian P. Millar, and as I.P. Mizzaz