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Carter Thompson Mysteries - Sean O'Leary


Australian Crime Mystery Book Series

Carter Thompson Mysteries by Sean O'Leary

Series Excerpt

Tony Wu was an investigative journo for The Star, the biggest broadsheet newspaper in town. He looked at his ringing mobile phone around midday on Saturday. No caller ID. Here we go he thought.

‘Tony Wu.’

‘Norton died at the Carrington Motel in Kings Cross, not at home.’

It sounded like the call was from a public phone, people all around, talking everywhere, an echo.


‘Norton, New Light Church.’

‘This isn’t the Secret Sydney column my friend.’

‘You know how many candidates New Light are grooming for pre-selection Tony?’

‘You have my attention.’

‘Do something.’

The caller hung up.

Wu liked the connection the anonymous caller had made. Of course, it was news if he died in that sleazy motel. New Light was big business. Maybe they did want in on politics now as well. Money, power, and religion. A heady mix. Not just the opium of the people, full control.

He wanted to start making calls but knew it might be tough work. It was a Saturday. The second Test match against India had started a few days ago. The whole city was in holiday mode. Even the PM was ensconced at his holiday property on the south coast.

Wu had some contacts in the NSW Police Force. He would start there. Wait until Monday to try and lure the big fish in. He wondered who was working the case. He called his mate Don Talbot. An old school Detective Inspector, who worked out of Kings Cross Police Station.


‘Don, this is Wu.’

‘Well, well, the Chinese Bernstein, looking for Deep Throat, are you mate?’

‘Always a pleasure, Don. Who’s running the case on Norton?’

‘Norton, big wig at New Life Church or he was.’

‘Yes and…’

‘I heard he died at home in bed, heart attack.’

‘I got an anonymous tip he died at the Carrington. Right on your turf, Don. No one tell you?’

Talbot started coughing, dragging up phlegm, and said, ‘Shit. News to me.’

‘Will you…’

‘I will most certainly. Fuck this. Can’t have that. I know the cunt who owns that motel. He owes me a few favors.’

‘Think you can get back to me on this.’

‘I think I can, Bernstein. Can’t put a time frame on it old son but there will be hitting of the fan with it.’

‘Thanks, Don.’

‘Don’t thank me yet. If I don’t know about this then it’s important. Whoever took the triple zero call knew where to send it. There would be some sort of protocol if the number of the Carrington came up at the emergency call center.’

‘A trail.’

‘You know your stuff, Mr. Wu.’

Talbot hung up.

Wu sat back in his chair. Did he have any connections with New Light? Would the anonymous caller reach out again?


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